Redefining global health priorities: Improving cancer care in developing settings
Asad Moten, Daniel Schafer, Mauro Ferrari
JOGH 2014; 4: 010304 (5 pages)
The authors are issuing a correction for the unintended oversight in attribution to this work [1]. To that
end, the authors, with apologies, remove Paul Farmer and Jim Kim from the authorship byline and instead
acknowledge that the paper was conceptualized in Health, Culture and Community: Case Studies in Global Health
at Harvard University with the contribution and mentorship of Paul Farmer and Jim Kim. In their correction,
the authors also include a citation from the Lancet [2] to their references and attribute photo credit to
American Red Cross. The publisher has since corrected the online version of the article.
See the original article: Moten et al, 2014.
1 Moten A, Schafer D, Ferrari M. Redefining global health priorities: Improving cancer care in developing
settings. J Glob Health. 2014;1:010304. Medline: 24976959 doi:10.7189/jogh.04.010304
2 Farmer P, Frenk J, Knaul FM, Shulman LN, Alleyne G, Armstrong L, et al.
Expansion of cancer care and control in countries of low and middle income: a call to action. Lancet.
2010;376:1186-93. Medline:20709386 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61152-X